Low-density reinforced pouch bags (LDPE), which have a high-quality appearance with a reinforced strong handle, offer an extra reinforcement around the die-cut handle. It allows your company logo to be seen clearly. Reinforced pouch bags are used for jewelry store bags, clothing store bags, gift store bags, shopping store bags, stationery bags, and other small items. Our reinforced bags; It is offered as 26×38 reinforced bags, 33×45 reinforced bags, 40×50 reinforced bags, 50×60 reinforced bags, 60×70 reinforced bags.
Whatever business you are in, hand-held plastic reinforced plastic bags are the best idea to promote your brand. In addition, you provide your customers with a durable bag to carry your products.
- Jewelry stores
- Clothing stores
- Gift bags
- Shopping stores
- Butchers
- Pharmacies
Reinforced pouch bag models are available in many different sizes and colors. If you have questions about our reinforced sachet bags, please contact us for the answers you need.
We Produce Standart Sizes
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